Source code for restnavigator.halnav

'''A library to allow navigating rest apis easy.'''

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

__version__ = '1.0'

from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
    from http import client as http_client
except ImportError:
    import httplib as http_client
import json

    from urllib import parse as urlparse
except ImportError:
    import urlparse
import webbrowser

import requests
import six
import uritemplate

from restnavigator import exc, utils

    'Accept': 'application/hal+json,application/json',
    'User-Agent': 'HALNavigator/{0}'.format(__version__)

# Constants used with requests library

[docs]class APICore(object): '''Shared data between navigators from a single api. This should contain all state that is generally maintained from one navigator to the next. ''' def __init__(self, root, nav_class, apiname=None, default_curie=None, session=None, id_map=None, ): self.root = root self.nav_class = nav_class self.apiname = utils.namify(root) if apiname is None else apiname self.default_curie = default_curie self.session = session or requests.Session() self.id_map = id_map if id_map is not None else WeakValueDictionary()
[docs] def cache(self, link, nav): '''Stores a navigator in the identity map for the current api. Can take a link or a bare uri''' if link is None: return # We don't cache navigators without a Link elif hasattr(link, 'uri'): self.id_map[link.uri] = nav else: self.id_map[link] = nav
[docs] def get_cached(self, link, default=None): '''Retrieves a cached navigator from the id_map. Either a Link object or a bare uri string may be passed in.''' if hasattr(link, 'uri'): return self.id_map.get(link.uri, default) else: return self.id_map.get(link, default)
[docs] def is_cached(self, link): '''Returns whether the current navigator is cached. Intended to be overwritten and customized by subclasses. ''' if link is None: return False elif hasattr(link, 'uri'): return link.uri in self.id_map else: return link in self.id_map
[docs] def authenticate(self, auth): '''Sets the authentication for future requests to the api''' self.session.auth = auth
[docs]class PartialNavigator(object): '''A lazy representation of a navigator. Expands to a full navigator when template arguments are given by calling it. ''' def __init__(self, link, core=None): = link self._core = core def __repr__(self): # pragma: nocover relative_uri = objectified_uri = utils.objectify_uri(relative_uri) return "{cls}({name}{path})".format( cls=type(self).__name__, name=self._core.apiname, path=objectified_uri ) @property def variables(self): '''Returns a set of the template variables in this templated link''' return uritemplate.variables(
[docs] def expand_uri(self, **kwargs): '''Returns the template uri expanded with the current arguments''' kwargs = dict([(k, v if v != 0 else '0') for k, v in kwargs.items()]) return uritemplate.expand(, kwargs)
@property def template_uri(self): return def __call__(self, **kwargs): '''Expands the current PartialNavigator into a new navigator. Keyword traversal are supplied to the uri template. ''' return HALNavigator( core=self._core, link=self.expand_link(**kwargs), )
[docs]class HALNavigatorBase(object): '''Base class for navigation objects''' DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/hal+json' def __new__(cls, link, core, *args, **kwargs): '''New decides whether we need a new instance or whether it's already in the id_map of the core''' if core.is_cached(link): return core.get_cached(link.uri) else: return super(HALNavigatorBase, cls).__new__(cls) def __init__(self, link, core, response=None, state=None, curies=None, _links=None, _embedded=None, ): '''Internal constructor. If you want to create a new HALNavigator, use the factory `Navigator.hal` ''' if core.is_cached(link): # Don't want to overwrite a cached navigator return else: self.self = link self.response = response self.state = state self.fetched = response is not None self.curies = curies self._core = core self._links = _links or utils.CurieDict(core.default_curie, {}) self._embedded = _embedded or utils.CurieDict( core.default_curie, {}) core.cache(link, self) @property def uri(self): if self.self is not None: return self.self.uri @property def apiname(self): return self._core.apiname @property def title(self): if self.self is not None: return self.self.props.get('title') @property def profile(self): if self.self is not None: return self.self.props.get('profile') @property def type(self): if self.self is not None: return self.self.props.get('type') @property def headers(self): return self._core.session.headers @property def resolved(self): return self.fetched or self.state is not None def __repr__(self): # pragma: nocover relative_uri = self.self.relative_uri(self._core.root) objectified_uri = utils.objectify_uri(relative_uri) return "{cls}({name}{path})".format( cls=type(self).__name__, name=self.apiname, path=objectified_uri)
[docs] def authenticate(self, auth): '''Authenticate with the api''' self._core.authenticate(auth)
[docs] def embedded(self): '''Returns a dictionary of navigators representing embedded documents in the current resource. If the navigators have self links they can be fetched as well. ''' if not self.resolved: self.fetch() return self._embedded
@property def status(self): if self.response is not None: return self.response.status_code, self.response.reason def __eq__(self, other): '''Equality''' try: return self.uri == other.uri and self.apiname == other.apiname except Exception: return False def __ne__(self, other): '''Inequality''' return not self == other def __iter__(self): '''Part of iteration protocol''' yield self last = self while True: current = current() # fetch if necessary yield current last = current def __nonzero__(self): '''Whether this navigator was successful.''' if not self.resolved: raise exc.NoResponseError( 'this navigator has not been fetched ' 'yet, so we cannot determine if it succeeded') return bool(self.response) def __contains__(self, value): if not self.resolved: raise exc.NoResponseError( 'this navigator has not been fetched ' 'yet, so we cannot determine if it contains a link ' 'relation') return value in self._links or value in self._embedded def next(self): try: return self['next'] except exc.OffTheRailsException as otre: if isinstance(otre.exception, KeyError): raise StopIteration() else: raise def __getitem__(self, getitem_args): r'''Rel selector and traversor for navigators''' traversal = utils.normalize_getitem_args(getitem_args) intermediates = [self] val = self for i, arg in enumerate(traversal): try: if isinstance(arg, six.string_types): val() # fetch the resource if necessary if val._embedded and arg in val._embedded: val = val._embedded[arg] else: # We're hoping it's in links, otherwise we're # off the tracks val = val.links()[arg] elif isinstance(arg, tuple): val = val.get_by(*arg, raise_exc=True) elif isinstance(arg, int) and isinstance(val, list): val = val[arg] else: raise TypeError("{0!r} doesn't accept a traversor of {1!r}" .format(val, arg)) except Exception as e: raise exc.OffTheRailsException( traversal, i, intermediates, e) intermediates.append(val) return val
[docs] def docsfor(self, rel): # pragma: nocover '''Obtains the documentation for a link relation. Opens in a webbrowser window''' prefix, _rel = rel.split(':') if prefix in self.curies: doc_url = uritemplate.expand(self.curies[prefix], {'rel': _rel}) else: doc_url = rel print('opening', doc_url)
def _make_links_from(self, body): '''Creates linked navigators from a HAL response body''' ld = utils.CurieDict(self._core.default_curie, {}) for rel, link in body.get('_links', {}).items(): if rel != 'curies': if isinstance(link, list): ld[rel] = utils.LinkList( (self._navigator_or_thunk(lnk), lnk) for lnk in link) else: ld[rel] = self._navigator_or_thunk(link) return ld def _make_embedded_from(self, doc): '''Creates embedded navigators from a HAL response doc''' ld = utils.CurieDict(self._core.default_curie, {}) for rel, doc in doc.get('_embedded', {}).items(): if isinstance(doc, list): ld[rel] = [self._recursively_embed(d) for d in doc] else: ld[rel] = self._recursively_embed(doc) return ld def _recursively_embed(self, doc, update_state=True): '''Crafts a navigator from a hal-json embedded document''' self_link = None self_uri = utils.getpath(doc, '_links.self.href') if self_uri is not None: uri = urlparse.urljoin(self.uri, self_uri) self_link = Link( uri=uri, properties=utils.getpath(doc, '_links.self') ) curies = utils.getpath(doc, '_links.curies') state = utils.getstate(doc) if self_link is None: nav = OrphanHALNavigator( link=None, response=None, parent=self, core=self._core, curies=curies, state=state, ) else: nav = HALNavigator( link=self_link, response=None, core=self._core, curies=curies, state=state, ) if update_state: nav.state = state links = self._make_links_from(doc) if links is not None: nav._links = links embedded = self._make_embedded_from(doc) if embedded is not None: nav._embedded = embedded return nav def _navigator_or_thunk(self, link): '''Crafts a navigator or from a hal-json link dict. If the link is relative, the returned navigator will have a uri that relative to this navigator's uri. If the link passed in is templated, a PartialNavigator will be returned instead. ''' # resolve relative uris against the current uri uri = urlparse.urljoin(self.uri, link['href']) link_obj = Link(uri=uri, properties=link) if link.get('templated'): # Can expand into a real HALNavigator return PartialNavigator(link_obj, core=self._core) else: return HALNavigator(link_obj, core=self._core) def _can_parse(self, content_type): '''Whether this navigator can parse the given content-type. Checks that the content_type matches one of the types specified in the 'Accept' header of the request, if supplied. If not supplied, matches against the default''' content_type, content_subtype, content_param = utils.parse_media_type(content_type) for accepted in self.headers.get('Accept', self.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE).split(','): type, subtype, param = utils.parse_media_type(accepted) # if either accepted_type or content_type do not # contain a parameter section, then it will be # optimistically ignored matched = (type == content_type) \ and (subtype == content_subtype) \ and (param == content_param or not (param and content_param)) if matched: return True return False def _parse_content(self, text): '''Parses the content of a response doc into the correct format for .state. ''' try: return json.loads(text) except ValueError: raise exc.UnexpectedlyNotJSON( "The resource at {.uri} wasn't valid JSON", self) def _update_self_link(self, link, headers): '''Update the self link of this navigator''' self.self.props.update(link) # Set the self.type to the content_type of the returned document self.self.props['type'] = headers.get( 'Content-Type', self.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE) self.self.props def _ingest_response(self, response): '''Takes a response object and ingests state, links, embedded documents and updates the self link of this navigator to correspond. This will only work if the response is valid JSON ''' self.response = response if self._can_parse(response.headers['Content-Type']): hal_json = self._parse_content(response.text) else: raise exc.HALNavigatorError( message="Unexpected content type! Wanted {0}, got {1}" .format(self.headers.get('Accept', self.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE), self.response.headers['content-type']), nav=self, status=self.response.status_code, response=self.response, ) self._links = self._make_links_from(hal_json) self._embedded = self._make_embedded_from(hal_json) # Set properties from new document's self link self._update_self_link( hal_json.get('_links', {}).get('self', {}), response.headers, ) # Set curies if available self.curies = dict( (curie['name'], curie['href']) for curie in hal_json.get('_links', {}).get('curies', [])) # Set state by removing HAL attributes self.state = utils.getstate(hal_json)
[docs]class HALNavigator(HALNavigatorBase): '''The main navigation entity''' def __call__(self, raise_exc=True): if not self.resolved: return self.fetch(raise_exc=raise_exc) else: return self.state.copy() def _create_navigator(self, response, raise_exc=True): '''Create the appropriate navigator from an api response''' method = response.request.method # TODO: refactor once hooks in place if method in (POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) \ and response.status_code in ( http_client.CREATED, http_client.FOUND, http_client.SEE_OTHER, http_client.NO_CONTENT) \ and 'Location' in response.headers: nav = HALNavigator( link=Link(uri=response.headers['Location']), core=self._core ) # We don't ingest the response because we haven't fetched # the newly created resource yet elif method in (POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE): nav = OrphanHALNavigator( link=None, core=self._core, response=response, parent=self, ) nav._ingest_response(response) elif method == GET: nav = self nav._ingest_response(response) else: # pragma: nocover assert False, "This shouldn't happen" return nav def _request(self, method, body=None, raise_exc=True, headers=None): '''Fetches HTTP response using the passed http method. Raises HALNavigatorError if response is in the 400-500 range.''' headers = headers or {} if body and 'Content-Type' not in headers: headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) response = self._core.session.request( method, self.uri, data=body if not isinstance(body, dict) else None, json=body if isinstance(body, dict) else None, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False, ) nav = self._create_navigator(response, raise_exc=raise_exc) if raise_exc and not response: raise exc.HALNavigatorError( message=response.text, status=response.status_code, nav=nav, # may be self response=response, ) else: return nav
[docs] def fetch(self, raise_exc=True): '''Performs a GET request to the uri of this navigator''' self._request(GET, raise_exc=raise_exc) # ingests response self.fetched = True return self.state.copy()
[docs] def create(self, body=None, raise_exc=True, headers=None): '''Performs an HTTP POST to the server, to create a subordinate resource. Returns a new HALNavigator representing that resource. `body` may either be a string or a dictionary representing json `headers` are additional headers to send in the request ''' return self._request(POST, body, raise_exc, headers)
[docs] def delete(self, raise_exc=True, headers=None): '''Performs an HTTP DELETE to the server, to delete resource(s). `headers` are additional headers to send in the request''' return self._request(DELETE, None, raise_exc, headers)
[docs] def upsert(self, body, raise_exc=True, headers=False): '''Performs an HTTP PUT to the server. This is an idempotent call that will create the resource this navigator is pointing to, or will update it if it already exists. `body` may either be a string or a dictionary representing json `headers` are additional headers to send in the request ''' return self._request(PUT, body, raise_exc, headers)
[docs] def patch(self, body, raise_exc=True, headers=False): '''Performs an HTTP PATCH to the server. This is a non-idempotent call that may update all or a portion of the resource this navigator is pointing to. The format of the patch body is up to implementations. `body` may either be a string or a dictionary representing json `headers` are additional headers to send in the request ''' return self._request(PATCH, body, raise_exc, headers)
[docs]class OrphanHALNavigator(HALNavigatorBase): '''A Special navigator that is the result of a non-GET This navigator cannot be fetched or created, but has a special property called `.parent` that refers to the navigator this one was created from. If the result is a HAL document, it will be populated properly ''' def __init__(self, link, core, response=None, state=None, curies=None, _links=None, parent=None, ): super(OrphanHALNavigator, self).__init__( link, core, response, state, curies, _links) self.parent = parent def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.state.copy() def __repr__(self): # pragma: nocover relative_uri = self.parent.self.relative_uri(self._core.root) objectified_uri = utils.objectify_uri(relative_uri) return "{cls}({name}{path})".format( cls=type(self).__name__, name=self.apiname, path=objectified_uri) def _can_parse(self, content_type): '''If something doesn't parse, we just return an empty doc''' return True def _parse_content(self, text): '''Try to parse as HAL, but on failure use an empty dict''' try: return super(OrphanHALNavigator, self)._parse_content(text) except exc.UnexpectedlyNotJSON: return {} def _update_self_link(self, link, headers): '''OrphanHALNavigator has no link object''' pass def _navigator_or_thunk(self, link): '''We need to resolve relative links against the parent uri''' return HALNavigatorBase._navigator_or_thunk(self.parent, link)